Banner Ads on CompareSMM

Get Started

Our banners are self service. Sign up, enable the banner panel and start advertising your services on our Promotion Network for Social Media Marketing services.

Get started with CompareSMM Banners

Payments only via Crypto

Banner Pricing

Impressions Leaderboard Rectangle
50,000 $ 55 $ 45
100,000 $ 95 $ 80
250,000 $ 175 $ 160
500,000 $ 320 $ 270

Available Ad Formats

1. Leaderboard

Leaderboards are very present in most of our pages around the network.

We accept either 970x90 (preferred) or 728x90 banners for our Rectangle Ads. You can use JPG, PNG or GIF files.

2. Rectangle

Rectangles are shown in less places, which means the same amount of impressions lasts you longer.

We accept either 336x280 (preferred), 300x250 or 250x250 banners for our Rectangle Ads. You can use JPG, PNG or GIF files.