Where are these Social Media likes, followers & views coming from?
Ever wondered where all these "fake" likes, followers, views and a lot more are coming from? Let us shed some light on this often asked question and look into some possible sources of big SMM Panel providers!
Let me get this started with the info that this market is kinda enclosed, invisible and discreet. You could even say there are layers of SMM Panels & Service providers. From end-user facing sites that provide fancy interfaces and salted prices over different layers of SMM Panels (which you also find on this site) down to the actual providers. And let me make this straight, you won’t find actual bulk providers to buy from until you have built an SMM Panel enterprise for yourself.
#1 Bot Farms
The most classic way is to get these likes and followers from bot farms. A bot farm today is essentially a smart piece of software that connects hundreds of up to thousands of accounts with a huge supply of geo fixed private proxies. These services are often highly and up to fully automated but do require a lot of business-specific knowledge and a lot of patching & fixing to keep up with the security of modern social networks. Most cheap services for Instagram & Twitter are 100% based on bot farms, which does not automatically mean they are all flagged as bots, but that is a different topic.
These days building and maintaining bot farms is a lot more work than it may sound and the owners are secretive about their business to the outside. They are only interested in selling SMM Services like followers & views in bulk to other resellers. There is software out there to operate your own farms, however, you would still need to buy/create & maintain hundreds of accounts and private proxies. If you are not going to do this at a huge scale it will likely not be profitable at all.
There are several high-quality bot farm services out there. If the account list is maintained well and checked against bot lists even fully automated bot farms can have a huge positive impact on your ranking with the social media platforms algorithm. Most bigger panels offer services like this at a higher or middle price point (i.e. not try the cheapest)
#2 Legit Real Signals
Over the years people found hundreds if not thousands of ways to get people to click something. Some services will create posts on their feeds & pages with clickbaity titles to gain you clicks, likes & followers. Some even go as far as buying actual ads on the selected social platform and resell those to you at a pay per signal price. As these methods require more work and lead to real users they are usually way more expensive but can also be a lot better for your ranking.
If you just want to see your numbers go up this is likely not what you are looking for, but if you provide something of value and just need that additional visibility these types of services are definitely something to look at.
Depending on the method and the type of content your new fans & followers will see this can, however, also lead to bigger drops because users will unsub again more likely than bots do. Make sure to plan good posts ahead if you buy real followers to provide them with the best you have to offer, so they are more likely to stay!
#3 Shady Real Signals
Most reputable SMM Panels do not provide any shady services anymore because they are unreliable, but you do find them around the web. Sometimes they use technics of false clicks, content lockers and stuff like that, that while they lead to real users also will lead to a high drop rate afterward. It is not always easy to detect these services if you look outside of well known and used SMM Panels so make sure to always start with a small order if you are unsure.
We learned that most services are based on bot farms. But we also want to make clear that this is not a bad thing, this means what you get is from a controlled quality source who’s business model is based on keeping their service alive and working well. And as always in life you get what you pay for, however, that also does not mean that cheaper services have no reason to exist and be used!
Learn more about SMM Panels and start using social media pushing super powers today! :)
Smm panels, Smm sources, Smm providers, Likes, Followers, Views